Conference Events Koropi Attica- KTIMA ARTEMIS - Bridal Suite - Church - Banquet Hall - Swimming Pool - Outdoor - Decorations - Koropi Attica

Conference Events Koropi Attica- KTIMA ARTEMIS - Bridal Suite - Church - Banquet Hall - Swimming Pool - Outdoor - Decorations - Koropi Attica

20055 Visitors:
Address: Koropi
Area: Attica
Telephone: 2109589965
Mobile: 6972339795
P.C.: 19441
Fax: -
Responsible: -
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The Goddess Artemis had as her universal feature her dominion in nature and harmony. A harmony and contact with nature for every social occasion such as Wedding, Baptism, Receptions. The Artemis estate is a place of high architecture and decoration in Koropi, in the land of the Mediterranean and the slopes of Mount Hymettus, so that the view of the olive grove that surrounds it travels the senses and leave indelible memories to the organizers and their guests. Its high architectural ch...
20055 Visitors:

Koropi, Attica

20055 Visitors:

The Goddess Artemis had as her universal feature her dominion in nature and harmony. A harmony and contact with nature for every social occasion such as Wedding, Baptism, Receptions.

The Artemis estate is a place of high architecture and decoration in Koropi, in the land of the Mediterranean and the slopes of Mount Hymettus, so that the view of the olive grove that surrounds it travels the senses and leave indelible memories to the organizers and their guests.

Its high architectural church and its large bridal suites are just some of its irresistible facilities.

With a luxurious, single room with a capacity of 500 people, it is available both for the organization of the event during the winter months, and to be the alternative-equally impressive- proposal in case of bad weather during the summer months, at no extra charge for the organizer, while large importance has been given to the auxiliary spaces, since it has a parking lot of 300 places.

The large marble dance floor is embraced symmetrically by the food rotundas while the sound installation of the space ensures a perfect result.

Artemis as an immovable goddess, could not but motivate us so that by these standards, the experienced staff of the estate to serve the guests from the first minute of their arrival at the site.

A luxury affordable, with a taste of Greek hospitality and imagination.


Event Management
Bridal Suite
20055 Visitors:


Telephone: 2109589965
Mobile: 6972339795

Working Hours
